Friday, July 23, 2004

I miss Spicers

There used to be a sandwich shop next to my office called Spicers.

Spicers was, I think, the best sandwich shop ever.

I should point out that I am a sandwich fiend and coinnoisseuse, so speak with some authority.  (I am also quite pretentious: look at that feminine ending on connoisseur.  Fortunately for Kirsty, I also know the plural of syntax.  Although I choose not to use it, because it's gay1).

Anyway, the sandwich thing.  All I really wanted to say was, Spicers closed a couple of months ago and some bog-standard froggy place full of foreign2 sandwichers and pre-ordained sandwich options took over.

And I really miss Spicers' smoked chicken, bacon and cheese mix, which is the most satisfyingly delicious sandwich filling in the world, and was particularly satisfying with peppers and tomatoes in either a baguette or one of their lovely big flat bappy things (granary option).

If anyone3  knows where Spicers went, *please* tell me.

I'm starving.

1 Since this is the first time I have blogged the word gay in this context, I shall issue a disclaimer to the extent that it is not here being used in the sense of "homosexual-gay", but rather in the playground-inspired sense of "pathetic/annoying/I-haven't-got-my-own-way-and-don't-agree-gay".  Bigots, please don't think I'm on your side.

2 Oh dear, unfortunate to have two seemingly bigoted comments in the same post.  In using the term foreign, I'm only indicating that it's a handicap for a sandwicher to be foreign and, to use a genuine example, unable to understand the word pesto4. Bigots (if you haven't bogged off already), I'm still not on your side.

3 Note continued referral to non-existent readership.

4 Just realised how pretentious that sounds.  Sorry.  Pesto is really nice in a sandwich, though.


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