Badverts #4
They're coming thick and fast today (even though I didn't spend *all* of last night watching telly -- I did do a fair amount of cleaning too, as Morph would I'm sure testify if brought before a court of law).
This one wasn't even on, but bizarrely came into my head anyway, thereby doubling its Badvert score. Actually, I can't believe it's taken me this long to nominate.
My fourth nominee is ...
... anything with Linda Barker. know what you can do with those scissors, Barker...
Notably Curry's and DFS; in both cases, the advert concept is *painfully* poor and has only managed to gain airtime because of the presence of the alarmingly omnipresent Barker (whom, it must be said, I used to quite like when she was just the chirpy one on Changing Rooms -- maybe, therefore, I deserve everything I get.) Brand dilution, anyone?
Happily, I came across this fact today which made me feel considerably better -- DFS have had a 6% drop in profits since Barker's been at the (advertising) helm. Yay.
(DFS are wankers anyway, no? Do they really think we fall for all that crap about once in a lifetime sales starting Sunday, everything must go? Like the futon shop opposite my office, with it's "Sale :: today only"-type signs that those of us who see the place every day realise are permanent fixtures. They take us for such fools.)
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