Just chillin'

One for the Banbury Wood Massive
It was raining when I walked home last night. I had to adopt a Python-esque walk to avoid losing my flip flops (slip slops might be more accurate). I would have gone barefoot but the rains had caused flash floods which were filling the streets with scum. Woe is me.
A-ha, now this is one of the things the Web does best: utterly pointless, but entirely engrossing. It's a thing which ranks the 86,000 most frequently-used English words in order of commonality. Muchos fun can be had trying to find particularly fine juxtapositions -- so I looked up "gay" (no surprise there) and discovered it is preceded by "wars". Stick in a spare apostrophe (let's face it, the world is littered with them) and you get a concise yet deep adage. Embolden the second word and you even get a nice playground overtone to it. Marvellous. Let's see what else I can come up with ...